The Troublemakers founding members carved TroubleTown out of the piney woods of East Texas. With a blast of that old black powder The Texas Troublemakers started in 2000 Dedicated to preserving the cowboy way, and keeping the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting fun for all that come and shoot. So hitch up them "Iron Ponies", strap on them shooting irons and mosey on down to TroubleTown and have one heck of a good time slingin' lead. Matches will be 1st Saturday of every month. Mandatory shooter's meeting 9:30 am.
Fee's $10.00 members $15.00 Non-members Memberships are $30.00 per year $40.00 per Family
Shoot 6 stages Ammo: 60 pistol, 50 rifle, and 25 shot gun. THERE IS NO CAMPING AVAILABLE AT THE RANGE FOR CLOSEST LOCATIONS TO THE RANGE CONTACT LEFTY TEX LARUE FOR INFO NEW RIMFIRE MATCH . If you want more info on this match just shoot me an email or give me a call at 903-849-2107, I’m usually home by 2:30. The Rimfire Match is on the 3rd Sunday of every month this month it will be May the 20th. We have 2 start times, one at 9:00 sharp and the second at 1pm sharp. Cost is still 10 bucks per head per gun and you can shoot up to 2 guns. This match is really set up for those semi autos we all have that have been sitting in the locker and we don’t shoot very often, here’s your chance to shoot something other than paper. OWEN JUDICE Contacts: FOR RANGE CONDITIONS ON MATCH MORNING: CALL OWEN JUDICE 903-570-3853
Hits since August 20, 2000 |